Мы за качество и жизнерадостность, против шаблонов и стереотипов. Если тебе не интересна городская серость, а душа просит красок — тогда тебе к нам!
Нашу одежду можно померить и приобрести в Сити Молле (г. Сургут). Ателье Модистка (где DDX Fitness). С 10:00 до 20:00 (без выходных).
ТРЦ СитиМолл
stylish clothes for the latest people! We are for quality and cheerfulness, against templates and stereotypes. If you are not interested in the grayness of the city, your soul cries for color - then come to us!
stylish clothes for the latest people! We are for quality and cheerfulness, against templates and stereotypes. If you are not interested in the grayness of the city, your soul cries for color - then come to us!
stylish clothes for the latest people! We are for quality and cheerfulness, against templates and stereotypes. If you are not interested in the grayness of the city, your soul cries for color - then come to us!